Halting Aggression In Your Home


It’s natural for children to have strong emotions and sometimes act out in ways that are inappropriate or harmful. However, it’s important to address aggressive behavior in children as it can lead to problems in the future if not addressed. It can be challenging to address aggressive behavior in children.  It’s understandable that you want to find a way to stop your child from being aggressive towards family members but there are steps you can take to help your child learn to manage their emotions and behavior more effectively. Here are a few suggestions:

Set clear rules and boundaries

Make sure your child knows what behavior is expected of them, and establish consequences for breaking the rules. This can help your child understand that aggressive behavior is not acceptable. Setting clear rules and consequences ensures that your child understands what behaviors are acceptable and what the consequences will be if they act aggressively. This can help them understand the boundaries and know what to expect.


Provide positive reinforcement

When your child behaves in a way that is respectful and appropriate, make sure to praise and reward them. This can help encourage them to continue behaving in a positive way. Encouraging positive behaviors by rewarding your child when they demonstrate positive behaviors, such as using kind words or finding ways to solve conflicts peacefully can be a powerful step in the right direction. Praise your child for demonstrating appropriate behavior and show them how much you appreciate it.


Identify the cause

Try to understand what is causing your child to act out aggressively. Is there a particular trigger that seems to set them off? Understanding the root cause of the behavior can help you find a solution.


Stay calm!

It’s important to remain calm and composed, even if your child is acting out. Losing your temper can escalate the situation and make things worse. Their nervous system feeds off of your nervous system, so when you are on edge or dysregulated, it is easier for them to stay in that space or escalate higher.


Encourage positive communication

Teach your child how to express their feelings and needs in a positive way. Encourage them to use “I” statements, such as “I feel angry when you take my toy without asking” rather than “You’re mean!”


Teach your child coping strategies

Help your child learn how to manage their emotions in a healthy way. This can include techniques such as deep breathing, counting to 10, or finding a quiet place to calm down. By providing emotional support it’s possible that your child may be acting aggressively because they are feeling overwhelmed or upset. Help them learn how to identify and manage their body’s sensations and big feelings/emotions by not only talking to them about their feelings but also providing comfort and support when they need it.


Model appropriate behavior

Children often learn by example, so it’s important to model the behavior you want to see from your child. If you tend to get angry or aggressive when you’re upset, your child may learn to do the same. Instead, try to model calm and respectful behavior, even when you’re feeling frustrated or upset. Make sure you are setting a good example by managing your own emotions and responding to conflicts in a calm and respectful way. Showing them how to express their emotions in a healthy way and resolve conflicts peacefully can be a life skill that will help them as they get older.


Seek professional help

If your child’s aggressive behavior is causing significant problems at home or at school, or if you’re having trouble managing it on your own, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a mental health professional. A therapist or counselor can work with your child to identify the root causes of their aggressive behavior and teach them new ways of coping. Seek professional help when your child’s aggressive behavior is severe or persistent, may be helpful to identify the underlying causes of the aggressive behavior and develop strategies to address it.



Remember to be patient and consistent in your efforts to address your child’s aggressive behavior. It may take some time to see improvements, but with patience and persistence, you can help your child learn more positive ways of expressing themselves.