Taking Care of Family

Being a kinship caregiver can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Kinship caregivers are relatives or close family friends who take in and raise children who are unable to live with their biological parents. As a kinship caregiver, you may experience a range of emotions, including love and affection for the children, as well as feelings of stress, exhaustion, and financial strain.

It can be a huge responsibility to take care of children who are not your own, especially if they have experienced trauma or neglect. You may have to navigate legal and financial issues, as well as work with social services and other professionals to ensure the children’s well-being.

Kinship caregivers can experience a high level of emotional stress.   Kinship caregivers may experience a range of emotions, including sadness, guilt, and anger, as they try to navigate the new role they have taken on. However, despite the challenges, many kinship caregivers find that the experience of raising and caring for children brings them a sense of purpose and fulfillment. They often report feeling a deep bond with the children they care for and seeing them thrive and grow is a great satisfaction.

It is important to remember that being a kinship caregiver is a big commitment, and it’s important to have a support system in place to help you manage the responsibilities and emotions that come with it. It’s important to be realistic about the challenges, but also to be prepared for the joys and rewards that come with raising a child.


Tips for those raising their family member’s kids and those who find themselves in this position:

Establish clear boundaries and rules

It’s important to set expectations for behavior and consequences early on.  By putting clear boundaries and rules in place from the beginning, it provides a sense of structure and stability for the children. Develop clear boundaries and rules for the children, and consistently enforce them.

Seek support

Remember to take care of yourself and have time for your own needs and interests as well. Raising someone else’s children can be overwhelming and sometimes the same support networks do not exist.  Do not feel isolated or unsupported, look for support from other family members, friends, or professionals such as therapists or social workers.  Counseling or parenting classes can help develop new skills or strategies. Also, take advantage of any financial assistance programs that may be available for kinship caregivers.

Communicate with the children’s biological parents

Keep the lines of communication open with the children’s parents, and make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to parenting choices. If healthy, communicate with the biological parents of the children and involve them in decision-making whenever possible.

Be patient

Be patient and understanding of the children’s emotions and needs, as they may be dealing with a difficult situation. Children will test boundaries and push against rules, it’s important to have patience and consistency in dealing with their behavior.  Again, be patient and understanding, as the children may have difficulty adjusting to their new environment and family dynamics.

Show love and affection

Make sure to spend quality time with the children and create a loving and nurturing environment for them. Provide moments where the children feel loved and supported in their new home.  It helps to be flexible and adaptable to the unique needs of the child and the unique circumstances of the situation.

Seek legal advice

If you are planning on raising the children long-term, it’s important to seek legal advice to ensure that you have the proper guardianship or custody arrangements in place.

Keep the child’s best interest in mind

Be prepared to make sacrifices and changes to your lifestyle to accommodate the children. Always consider the child’s well-being and happiness when making decisions.



For more resources, we have added an area in our resources section, under the website links that will provide additional resources for you! From all of us here at Parent Hub…thank you.  Thank you for saying YES, to the opportunity to make a positive impact in a child’s life.