Power of Talking Back: Nurturing Healthy Communication with Your Child

Today we challenge you to view “talking back” in a different light than many parents might initially perceive. While it may seem disrespectful or defiant on the surface, it can actually be a positive and healthy behavior when approached and managed appropriately.   We get it though, when kids talk back, for many parents and caregivers, it triggers something in them, that brings up stuff, that might not be healthy. Unresolved stuff.  (Stay tuned to the end as we address some of that).   By recognizing the positive aspects of talking back and embracing it as an opportunity for growth, parents can foster a healthy and respectful environment where their children can express themselves, develop assertiveness, and cultivate open communication skills…not to mention less frustration for you as a caregiver!  

Here’s why:

Expression of emotions  When children talk back, it often stems from a need to express their emotions. By allowing them to voice their thoughts and frustrations, parents create an opportunity for emotional growth and development. When children learn to identify and communicate their feelings, they gain valuable skills in emotional intelligence. They become more self-aware, better able to manage their emotions and develop healthier coping strategies. Encouraging children to express their emotions through talking back fosters their emotional well-being and equips them with vital tools for navigating relationships and life challenges.

Assertiveness and self-advocacy  Talking back can be seen as an expression of assertiveness and self-advocacy. It signifies that children are beginning to develop a sense of their own identity and are willing to stand up for themselves. Encouraging assertiveness helps children build confidence, assert their boundaries, and advocate for their needs and wants in a respectful manner. When children learn to assert themselves through talking back constructively, they are better equipped to navigate conflicts, make independent decisions, and engage in healthy interpersonal relationships as they grow older.

Building trust and open communication  Allowing children to talk back within certain boundaries fosters an environment of trust and open communication within the parent-child relationship. When parents actively listen to their child’s thoughts, concerns, and opinions, it sends a powerful message that their voice matters and is valued. This sense of validation strengthens the bond between parent and child, creating a safe space for open dialogue. When children feel heard and acknowledged, they are more likely to approach their parents with important issues and seek guidance when needed. Open communication builds a foundation of trust, enabling parents to support their child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development more effectively.

While talking back can be seen as positive behavior, it is important for parents to set boundaries to ensure that it remains respectful and constructive. Please see the Parent Hub Handouts section for strategies parents or caregivers can use when giving kids or teens the freedom to talk back, but in a healthy way.  Remember, the goal is to foster healthy communication and emotional development in children. By understanding the underlying reasons behind talking back and implementing appropriate boundaries, parents can turn this behavior into a constructive and positive aspect of their child’s growth…and decrease the frustration they have.


We as parents, always have room for growth.  Here are some reflection questions and some things we can do, as adults to recognize when our own stuff bubbles up to the surface.

If you are struggling in the concept of respect or authority…

  • Reflect on your own beliefs and values about authority and respect. Consider if there are any rigid beliefs that may hinder open communication with your child
  • Recognize that allowing your child to express their thoughts does not diminish your authority. It is possible to maintain authority while fostering a respectful and open dialogue
  • Model respectful behavior and communication yourself. Show your child how to respectfully express opinions and emotions, even in situations where you may disagree

If you are struggling in the concept of fear of disobedience:

  • Set clear boundaries and expectations for behavior. Let your child know what is acceptable and what is not when expressing themselves
  • Emphasize the importance of respectful communication. Teach your child that talking back is not about being defiant, but rather about expressing themselves in a respectful manner
  • Reinforce positive behaviors. When your child expresses themselves appropriately, provide praise and acknowledgment, which helps reinforce respectful communication

If you are struggling in the concept of societal expectations:

  • Challenge societal norms by educating yourself about the benefits of open communication and respectful disagreement within parent-child relationships
  • Surround yourself with supportive resources and communities that promote healthy communication with children
  • Remind yourself that your child’s ability to express themselves can be an asset in their personal and social development

If you are struggling in the concept of emotional response:

  • Develop emotional regulation skills by practicing self-care and stress management techniques. When you are calm, you can respond to your child’s talking back in a more constructive manner
  • Take a step back and reflect on the underlying emotions triggering your response. Consider if there are any unresolved issues from your own past that may be influencing your reactions
  • Implement a “cooling-off” period when you feel emotionally triggered. Take a brief break to gather your thoughts and approach the situation with a clear mind

Personal growth takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and your child as you navigate the process of fostering open communication and respectful expression. Seek support from parenting communities (Such as Parent Hub or similar sites) or professionals if needed, as they can provide guidance and encouragement along the way.